World Wide Golf Club Membership Network Terms & Conditions

  • NeverLostGolf ™ World Wide Golf Course Memberships are valid only for public golf course fees that are paid by the general public and cannot be used on private golf courses

  • Each membership is valid for one (1) person only and is NOT transferrable.

  • Payments for golf course fees are paid directly to the golf course and / or Pro Shop and will never under any condtion and / or situation be paid directly to the NeverLostGolf ™ World Wide Golf Club Member.

  • When the Golf Club Patron wishes to use this service to play a round of golf, he / she must reserve their round of golf preference through the NeverLostGolf ™ app or website "Book your tee time" link at a minimum one (1) week in advance.

  • Payment discount(s) once they have been paid by NeverLostGolf ™ to the participating golf course, are valid ONLY for the date that the reservation was made by the WWGCMN member, and cannot be "stored" or retroactively used at a later date.

  • If the WWGCMN member does not use the payment discount coupon to golf at their reserved time, the payment made to the participating Golf Club will be cancelled by NeverLostGolf ™ and the fees paid will be returned back to NeverLostGolf ™

  • The WWGCMN member cannot exchange the value of the payment made by NeverLostGolf ™ for any other services, products, or cash with the participating golf club.

  • These Terms and Conditions can be amended at any time by NeverLostGolf™ without prior notice or agreement of the World Wide Golf Club Membership Network member.

Team NeverLostGolf ™