Design | NeverLostGolf ™ Blogs Never lose your golf tee

PGA Pro helps NLG new "third generation" design

PGA Professional Earl Spry is due absolute credit in the new “third generation” design of the NeverLostGolf Tee Saver. While in a recent meeting with the inventor of the NeverLostGolf Tee Saver, Earl casually displayed why he is such an established professional in the game of golf. In this meeting, while contemplating the possible problems that NeverLostGolf might have in its search to make the NeverLostGolf Tee Saver USGA / PGA legal, Earl suggested a new redesign of the NeverLostGolf Tee Saver that not only should boost the NeverLostGolf Tee Saver chances to be legalized by the USGA, but also will be hailed as its new “third generation” Tee Saver. The suggestion by Earl on its redesign can be seen as not short of genius. The new “third generation” NeverLostGolf Tee Saver should be released for sales within the next few months.